We recommend these Aquabond crack repair systems

then finish with E-Z Patch products!

Permanently repair cracks and fractures in swimming pools and decks with the AquaBond family of structural crack repair systems.

  • AquaBond’s new, patent pending, S-Stitch crack repair system is the most versatile and low-cost concrete staple system ever devised. With just four components you can span and stabilize cracks and fractures on flat areas, inside and outside corners, steps, decks, sidewalks and other concrete surfaces.
  • AquaBond Stress Proof Stitches span and firmly anchor into concrete and gunite creating permanent structural repairs.
  • AquaBond PF-37 polyurethane foam expands to 25-times its original volume and fills every nook, cranny, crack and void in pool walls (even poured foundation walls). The expanding foam forces itself all the way through to the backfill and cures to a permanently waterproof, structural repair.
  • Encapsulate your S-Stitch and StressProof Stitch repairs in AquaBond AE-2200-250 Anchoring Epoxy to lock everything in place then finish the job with E-Z Patch plaster finishing products!